parking lot pimping

Popular among young clubbers. Usually after a club party ends young people, esp. males, will stand in the parking lot with their boys or next to their Mercedes Benz that they rented from Rent-A-Car and need to return by noon of the next day, in order to look for females to exchange numbers with or take home for sexual purposes. For females, parking lot pimping involves them using their looks to attract men, lowering their blouses so more cleavage can show and hiking up their skirts, or going to the guys with the best looking car just so she can sit in the passenger seat and look at all the interior features of his car (the features may be a built-in TV and some other crap with monetary value that exceeds the car note) so she can determine whether to take him home for a one-nights stand or give him oral sex. In other words: losers. See rap video.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to parking lot pimping. Some of the top words include: Frotter, kurt, cheenu, BigFuzzyArchon, smokin skins, and 25 more.